There’s a lot to take in after a truck accident. You’re looking for strategies to safeguard your legal rights while also dealing with mounting medical expenses, time away from work, and car repairs or replacement.
To get compensation for your injuries, you should file a personal injury claim, but this is a process you may not be familiar with. Working with a personal injury lawyer can help, but the cost may deter you from seeking the legal help you need.
One key consideration before selecting an attorney is the financial commitment. The good news is that Fort Lauderdale truck accident attorneys often accept truck accident cases on a contingency fee basis Here you can learn more about what that means to you and your case.
There is No Upfront Cost With a Contingency Fee
Many personal injury lawyers, including those at the Schiller Kessler Group, accept truck accident cases on a contingency basis. You don’t need to worry about a retainer or paying a monthly invoice in this arrangement. The attorney takes on all the upfront costs and shoulders the risk of taking on your case.
If they are successful in getting you a settlement or award, they will receive a percentage. The agreed-upon percentage is put in writing up front when your truck accident lawyer takes your case. This ensures that people hurt in truck accidents have access to legal counsel without added financial burdens.
If a contingency fee attorney does not succeed in obtaining a favorable verdict or settlement, the client incurs no attorney’s fees. The lawyer is motivated to seek the maximum compensation possible and gains access to clients in a practice area that doesn’t always necessarily involve repeat business.
More people choose The Schiller Kessler Group because they know that we’re a cut above other personal injury law firms.

Percentages Can Vary
When you’ve been involved in a truck accident and are looking for legal representation, it’s important to know the fee structure your lawyer is working with.
The average contingency fee percentage for most personal injury lawyers is between 33.3% and 40% of any settlement or compensation they win for you. That means if you win a $30,000 settlement, then the legal fees can range from $10,000 to $12,000.
It’s also worth noting that these fees may change depending on how your claim is resolved. For instance, if you end up filing a lawsuit and the case goes all the way to trial or requires mediation/arbitration, then your lawyers’ fee might be slightly higher in order to account for additional work.
Whatever the fee structure ends up being should be outlined clearly in your contract with your lawyer; so make sure this information has been discussed before committing to any agreement.
Other Expenses Involved in a Truck Accident Claim
When you choose to work with a truck accident lawyer, there are a few other expenses that you should be aware of besides the lawyer’s fees. Most of the time, your lawyer will gladly take on these costs until your case is closed successfully.
While this is great news for you as the client, it’s important to acknowledge any extra bills associated with taking on an accident case. Some of these fees can really add up, but they are often the reason a truck accident lawyer can increase the amount you are able to recover in a personal injury claim.
Here is a brief outline of some of the fees you might see:
Court Filing Fees
Filing fees for complaints, motions, subpoenas, etc. These are usually a few hundred dollars. When pursuing a claim in any court, these fees will apply whether you have a lawyer or choose to represent yourself.
Deposition Costs
Court reporter fees, transcript fees and video recording fees may be part of a truck accident lawsuit. This can amount to $500-$3000 or more depending on the number of depositions.
Expert Witness Fees
Professionals like accident reconstruction experts, doctors, or other expert witnesses may be called to testify in your case. This is typically $250-$500 per hour for their time. However, having experts evaluate your situation can be crucial in helping your case with presenting helpful facts or evidence in court.
Medical Record and Treatment Summary Costs
Obtaining all the documentation needed to win your case can be a time-consuming and expensive endeavor. Obtaining records and summaries from hospitals, doctors, therapists, etc. usually costs a few hundred dollars.
Police Report and Insurance Policy Fees
Obtaining all the necessary paperwork from government and insurance agencies relevant to your case is also an important part of providing suitable evidence to support your claim down the line. These are generally small amounts like $25-$100 per report or policy document and cover the costs incurred by the agency providing the copies.
Trial Exhibits
Trial exhibits like blow-up prints, model creation, and animation can be $500-$50,000 or even higher depending on the complexity. Only applicable if the case goes to trial. It’s important to know that the vast majority of truck accident claims do not make it to court.
Appeal Fees
If the case is appealed to a higher court, additional legal and court fees apply which can amount to tens of thousands of dollars extra. Appeal outcomes are hard to predict, so many lawyers advise against appealing verdicts unless there are very strong grounds.
Finally, Investigators can also play a key role in gathering essential information to help build up a strong argument in negotiation or trial proceedings.
So while contingency fee lawyers do not charge upfront legal fees, the total cost can still amount to a substantial sum from your final compensation or settlement award. But a skilled truck accident lawyer helps recover much higher compensation which more than offsets their total fees and costs.
Why You Need a Lawyer for Your Truck Accident Claim
When deciding whether or not to hire a truck accident lawyer, many factors need to be taken into consideration. Since the damage in a truck accident case is often much more severe than a passenger car accident case, a lawyer is often necessary.
Hiring a truck accident lawyer is often absolutely necessary if an injury victim has been involved in such an accident. Truck accidents are usually much more complicated and severe than normal auto accidents, and the associated legal matters tend to require significantly more expertise and resources.
Professional attorneys with experienced litigating truck crash claims can provide invaluable advice that can help protect your rights and maximize any compensatory damages you collect.
Contact a Truck Accident Law Firm Today
There can be multiple lawyers and insurance companies in a truck accident claim which can escalate the situation quickly. Learn more about how to protect your interests and your ability to recover and maximize your compensation by speaking with our personal injury attorneys in a free consultation. Contact us today.
Injured? Call The Aggressive Attorneys Today