Cars have become an integral part of our society. Though they serve crucial functions in our daily lives, they can also be deadly when paired with negligent or reckless behavior. If you become involved in a car accident and sustain serious injury, contacting an experienced Hollywood personal injury lawyer with The Schiller Kessler Group may be an excellent next step.
The aftermath of a car accident can be a complicated, emotionally taxing process. There are many things that you have to juggle at once to make sure your needs are met. Retaining an experienced Hollywood car accident lawyer can give you some time back while they negotiate with insurance on your behalf.
Common Car Accident Causes in Hollywood
Driving a car requires our full attention. As humans, we can be easily distracted or demonstrate errors in our judgment, causing accidents. Some of the many causes of accidents are:
- Driver inexperience
- Driver inattention
- Distracted driving
- Poor vehicle maintenance
- Poor road or weather conditions
Driver Error
We’ve all seen car accident compilations on YouTube, and most of the time, we can see where things went wrong. Typically, it’s someone not being aware or paying attention to what is happening around them. Sometimes, this results in causing an accident, and sometimes, it just delays our response so that we don’t effectively avoid the accident.
A new driver may, understandably, not know what kinds of things indicate an oncoming accident. A good example is learning always to double-check that everyone around you has stopped, even if you have a green light. A driver texting and driving may just not be aware of the things going on around them, missing that red light, or not noticing the person in front of them stopped.
Driver error can also come into play in poor road or weather conditions. While we may not be able to control a sudden burst of heavy rain, we can control how fast or if we are driving. Our job as drivers is to assess the situation around us and make a decision that is most likely to keep ourselves and others safe.
Maintenance Issues Causing a Car Accident in Hollywood
It isn’t a secret that regular maintenance is essential to keep your car in good and safe operating condition. Failure to maintain your vehicle shortens its lifespan and can harm others. For example, failing to maintain your brakes appropriately may increase the chances of an accident, just like having bald tires may also affect your ability to stop effectively.
More people choose The Schiller Kessler Group because they know that we’re a cut above other personal injury law firms.

Steps to Take After a Hollywood Car Accident
According to the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), almost 400,000 drivers experienced a car accident in the most recent reporting year. Many steps can be taken to protect yourself and your assets after an accident. Retaining a car accident lawyer in Hollywood as soon as possible is a big part.
Immediately following an accident, you should call 911. You should take photos of the scene, including physical vehicle damage and injuries. Further, exchanging information with any other drivers involved and witnesses can support your efforts for compensation in the future.
Call for Help
Calling 911 may help in a couple of ways. First, it will ensure that any injuries are assessed and treated. Denying medical treatment on the scene can give the impression that your injuries are not severe. Significant injuries can take days to present fully, so even if you do not have concerns about injury at the moment, you should be evaluated.
The second thing calling 911 does is bring police to the scene to prompt a police report. Hollywood police reports may be able to provide information on the locations of cars, weather conditions, and a narrative or diagram of how the accident occurred. While it is typically insurance that determines fault, they may use a police report to inform their decision.
Taking pictures can be an excellent way to document the accident as well. You should take photos of the cars where they were when the accident occurred, any damage on either vehicle and any injuries.
Gathering contact information for everyone involved is essential to ensure you or your Hollywood car accident attorney can follow up as needed. Insurance information might be the most crucial to collect, as they will participate in settlement negotiations. Bystander contact information can be helpful if our car accident attorney determines they may have beneficial information.
No matter what time of day it is, you can contact The Schiller Kessler Group to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

Strengthening Your Hollywood Car Accident Case
Documentation is a large part of building your case. Your attorney may ask you to keep a folder of any medical records, invoices, or receipts from medical costs resulting from the injury. They may also refer you to specific doctors who specialize in your type of injury for evaluation.
Documentation can undoubtedly aid in your case to get maximum compensation, but it can also damage your case as well. For this reason, your attorney may advise you against talking about the case too freely or posting about it on social media. Just as you and the Schiller Kessler Group are trying to document everything possible to support your case, the insurance company is doing the same, and it is best not to give them ammunition.
Types of Car Accident Injury
Injuries from car accidents can vary from minor scrapes, bruises, and soreness to injuries that require emergency medical intervention. Some injuries that we see in car accidents are:
- Facial lacerations and bruising
- Concussion
- Broken Bones
- Internal bleeding
Facial lacerations may leave significant scarring. An article in the National Library of Medicine (NLM) has shown a correlation between increased anxiety, depression, and facial scarring. Managing these symptoms can require medical and psychological intervention and decrease overall quality of life.
Concussions, broken bones, and internal bleeding are all injuries that a doctor should assess. A minor concussion may only require rest for a week or two, but broken bones or internal bleeding may result in invasive surgeries and procedures. These can take weeks to months to recover fully, and sometimes, there will be lasting damage to contend with.
Call a Car Accident Attorney in Hollywood Today
Car accident settlements can become overwhelming to navigate alone. Insurance companies are meant to protect their own assets, and if you aren’t adept at personal injury law, you may walk away with less than the compensation you are due. Our experienced car accident lawyers in Hollywood will fight for your right to compensation on your behalf so you can focus on recovering.
Call us for a free case consultation now. If we determine you have a case to seek compensation, we work on a contingency fee schedule. This means that we will only collect money from you once we recover compensation for you.
Injured? Call The Aggressive Attorneys Today